You can use your PICO or concepts defined in another framework as preliminary search terms.
Maness, S. B., Merrell, L., Thompson, E. L., Griner, S. B., Kline, N., & Wheldon, C. (2021). Social Determinants of Health and Health Disparities: COVID-19 Exposures and Mortality Among African American People in the United States. Public health reports (Washington, D.C. : 1974), 136(1), 18–22.
Population - African Americans
Exposure - COVID- 19
Comparator - Non-Hispanic White Americans
Outcome- Mortality rates
Population - African Americans
Interest - COVID- 19 mortality rates
Context - Social determinants of health and health disparities,
Your search will include both keywords and subject headings. Controlled vocabulary systems, such as the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) or Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH), use pre-set terms that are used to tag resources on similar subjects. See boxes below for more information on finding and using subject terms.
Not all databases will have subject heading searching and for those that do, the subject heading categories may differ between databases. This is because databases classify articles using different criteria.
From our example, here are some MeSH terms for:
African Americans: African American (Persons living in the United States having origins in any of the black groups of Africa.)
Entry Terms:
Covid-19: COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2
Social Determinants of Health: Social Determinants of Health, Epidemiologic Factors
Health Disparities:
Health Status Disparities (Variation in rates of disease occurrence and disabilities between population groups defined by socioeconomic characteristics such as age, ethnicity, economic resources, or gender and populations identified geographically or similar measures.)
Healthcare Disparities (Differences in access to or availability of medical facilities and services.)
Minority Health (The concept covering the physical and mental conditions of members of minority groups.)
Mortality Rates: Mortality
Here is an example of the subject terms listed for a systematic review found in PsycINFO, "Primary care screening for and treatment of depression in pregnant and postpartum women: Evidence report and systematic review for the US Preventive Services Task Force" (2016).
MeSH are standardized terms that describe the main concepts of PubMed/MedLine articles. Searching with MeSH can increase the precision of your search by providing a consistent way to retrieve articles that may use different terminology or spelling variations.
Note: new articles will not have MeSH terms; the indexing process may take up to a few weeks for newly ingested articles.
Use the MeSH database to locate and build a search using MeSH.
Access the Mesh Database from the PubMed homepage under the Explore menu.
To search the MeSH database:
Build a search from the results list or from the MeSH term record to specify subheadings.
Topic-Specific PubMed Queries; includes keyword and search strategy examples.
Example: Health Disparities & Minority Health Search Strategies
In addition to using the best keywords, you can increase the effectiveness of your search by using:
Boolean Operators
Boolean operators, AND, OR, and NOT, are used to combine your keywords.
AND is used to connect different concepts: "social media" AND "protest movement"
Using AND to connect keywords will decrease your search result numbers, or narrow your search, because the database is searching for sources that contain all of the keywords connected by AND.
OR is used to connect similar concepts: "social media" OR "social networking site" OR Facebook
Using OR to connect similar words will increase your search result numbers, or broaden your search, because the database is searching for sources that contain at least one of the keywords connected by OR.
NOT will remove any search results that contain a particular keyword: "social media" NOT Pinterest
Using NOT will decrease the number of search results, or narrow our search, because the database will exclude resources with the specified keyword(s) from the results list.
Phrase Searching
Enclose your keywords in quotation marks to search for an exact phrase:
Truncation allows you to account for words with variations.
The asterisk(*) is commonly used to truncate a keyword. Place the * where you would like to account for variation:
Not all databases support proximity searching. You can use these strategies in ProQuest databases such as Sociological Abstracts.
*PubMed via does not support proximity searching. MEDLINE via OVID does support proximity searching.
pre/# is used to search for terms in proximity to each other in a specific order; # is replaced with the number of words permitted between the search terms.
Sample Search: parent* pre/2 educational (within 2 words & in order)
w/# is used to search for terms in proximity to each other in any order; # is replaced with the number of words permitted between the search terms.
Sample Search: parent* w/3 educational (within 3 words & in any order)
If results are too large or seem irrelevant, you can limit one or more search terms to a specific field. For example, you can choose to search for important terms in the Title field.
A common way to limit search results in PubMed is to use Title/Abstract field searching, which can be conducted using the Advanced Search function.
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