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Public Health Graduate Student Resources: Known Item Searching

Find a Known Item

1) Find an Article

Search in Google Scholar.  Though this is not comprehensive, it will often bring up specific article titles.  The UCeLinks option is found under MORE for most citations.

2) Find a Journal

Look for a journal title in the Journals quick link from the Library home page.

  • Type in the journal name.
  • Determine if UC Merced subscribes to it for the year(s) you need.

3) Find a Journal or Article

Search for the journal title or an article title in UC Library Search.

  • On the results page, click the title for the item you need.
  • Use the Get it at UC button to find/navigate to the full text.


Examples: How would we go about finding these?

Sample Citation 1: 

Sridawruang, C., Pfeil, M., & Crozier, K. (December 01, 2010). Why Thai parents do not discuss sex with their children: a qualitative study. Nursing & Health Sciences, 12, 4, 437-443.

Sample Citation 2:

Thurber, C. A., & Walton, E. A. (January 01, 2012). Homesickness and adjustment in university students. Journal of American College Health : J of Ach, 60, 5, 415-9.


LibWizard Finding a Known Item Tutorial

Finding a Known Item


1. Connect to the campus network via the VPN if you are off-campus.  You will need this connection to access one or more library databases while taking the tutorial.

2. Take the short quiz at the end of the tutorial.  Enter your email address AND your professor's email address. Afterwards locate the email confirmation. These emails often go to your SPAM folder, so be sure to check there.  It is often easiest to search in your email account for the phrase "Certificate of completion" to find your email confirmation.

3. You are ready! Click on the link below to start the tutorial. Follow the instructions on the left hand of the screen and, as directed, complete activities in the main screen (right).

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