If results are too large or seem irrelevant, you can limit one or more search terms to a specific field. For example, you can choose to search for important terms in the Title field.
You can use these strategies in ProQuest databases such as Sociological Abstracts.
pre/# is used to search for terms in proximity to each other in a specific order; # is replaced with the number of words permitted between the search terms.
Sample Search: parent* pre/2 educational (within 2 words & in order)
w/# is used to search for terms in proximity to each other in any order; # is replaced with the number of words permitted between the search terms.
Sample Search: parent* w/3 educational (within 3 words & in any order)
? (the question mark) is used as a wildcard
Sample Search: freshm?n and "college transition"
in Google Scholar