You may find a small number of resources that touch on all aspects of your topic. A more likely scenario is that you will find resources that address one aspect of your topic etc. You will take these separate resources and craft new insights or knowledge.
1926 - present. Subject index for books, articles and websites published on modern languages, literatures, folklore, and linguistics.
1920 - present. Lists monographs, periodical articles, critical editions of literary works, book reviews, collections of essays and doctoral dissertations published anywhere in the world.
A comprehensive resource for research on literary topics, authors, and their works. Gateway to Literature Resource Center, Twayne's Authors Online Series and Scribner Writers Online Series.
1949 - present.An index to journal articles, book reviews, and collections of essays in religious studies including all the major faiths. Some multimedia citations are available.
Digital images of 150,000 books published during the 18th Century. With full-text searching of texts in the fields of history, literature, religion, law, fine arts, science and more.
Produced in collaboration with the British Film Institute, Film Index International indexes entertainment films from over 170 countries. Includes information on films, personalities and scholarly works related to film studies.
A comprehensive and detailed national filmography, the AFI Catalog includes the entire print version, which currently comprises five volumes documenting all films produced in the United States from 1892 to 1971, as well as new content and important updates for all previous records. Offers authoritative plot summaries and insider production notes, as well as subject and song indexing for each film record.
Provides award-winning documentaries with relevance across the curriculum. Presents points of view and historical and current experiences from diverse cultures and traditions world-wide. If you have access issues, follow this link to troubleshoot.
Covers a broad range of related subjects, from fine, decorative and commercial art, to various areas of architecture and architectural design. Strong international coverage from periodicals published English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, and Dutch. Previously Art Source (EBSCO).
Links to extensive resources for the study of art history.
1974 - present. Provides full abstracts of journal articles, books, essays, exhibition catalogs, PhD dissertations, and exhibition review on all forms of modern and contemporary art. Entries date back as far as the late 1960's.
1973 - present. Provides authoritative coverage of international scholarship for European art from late antiquity to present, American art from the colonial era to the present, and global art since 1945. Also includes coverage of painting, sculpture, drawing, folk art, antiques and other visual art in all media. Previously Bibliography of the History of Art.
Cross-search hundreds of thousands of audio tracks, scores, and reference works across many Alexander Street Press music databases including African American Music Reference, American Song, Classical Music Library, Garland Encyclopedia of Music, and Smithsonian Global Sound.
Simultaneously searches multiple arts and humanities databases, including: ARTbibliographies Modern, Ethnic NewsWatch, MLA International Bibliography, and many more.
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This ten-minute video (available via YouTube) demonstrates how to search for and access books available via HT ETAS.