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Anthropology 110 (DeLugan)

Migration, Disapora, and Transnational Belonging

Thinking about Your Search Strategy

1) Determine the key ideas and terms in your topic. I'm interested in the role of education as it pertains to the transnational experience of Koreans in the United States.

2) Identify and use synonyms or related terms for key terms and phrases.

Is there another way to express a concept? For instance, what might be other terms to describe a specific transnational experience?

Education > Vocational Training

Education > Educational Attainment


Religious participation

3) Consider the types of publications that may have the information you need. books, scholarly articles, newspapers?
4) Select useful resources to search. Expand your search options with library databases. See the database listing and associated summaries which describe database content.
5) Construct a search strategy.  Generally start with keyword searching.  Some databases parse terms "as is" while other databases return better results when search conventions are used.  

Specific Search Strategies:


Join similar terms with OR

family OR kinship

migra* OR immigra*

Join dissimilar terms with AND

remittance AND migration

Haitians AND  transnational

Truncate a term for alternate endings (usually a * or ?)




Look for a phrase " "

"transnational migration"

"ethnic identity"

"collective remittances"

Additional Strategies:

  1. Look for other terms and phrases to describe your topic from the literature you find.
  2. Allow the literature to shape your topic and thesis.
  3. Take advantage of controlled vocabulary in databases when available and useful.
  4. Use "See related materials" functionality in databases when available.
  5. Limit your search as appropriate e.g. by date, by format, the field being searched.
  6. Examine bibliographies of relevant materials for other sources.