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A multidisciplinary database with full text content in the arts, social sciences, humanities and sciences.
Locate books, articles, and more from all UC campuses and beyond in this unified discovery and borrowing system. Use filters and alternative search scopes to narrow your results. Connect via the VPN to view all content available to you. Log in to your account to request material.
Includes Ethnic NewsWatch: A History. Full text access to U.S. ethnic community newspapers, newsletters, magazines. Includes African-American, Arab/Middle Eastern, Asian-Pacific, European-American, Hispanic, Jewish, Native-American. Searchable in English and Spanish.
1970s - present. A full text database of publications that focus on the impact of gender across a broad spectrum of subject areas. Includes academic and scholarly journals, magazines, newspapers, newsletters, books, conference proceedings, government reports, etc.
An index to the world's literature regarding Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender issues. Contains indexing and abstracts for more than 200 LGBT-specific core periodicals and more than 360 LGBT-specific core books and reference works.
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