Original research articles are based on an experiment or study. The authors will report the purpose of the study, the research methodology, and results. This is a familiar structure for original research articles > IMRAD: introduction, methods, results, and discussion.
Also called:
In describing the purpose of their study, authors will present a mini literature review to discuss how previous research has led up to their original research project.
Review articles summarize or synthesize content from earlier published research and are useful for surveying the literature on a specific research area. Review articles can lead you to original research articles.
Both original (empirical) articles and literature reviews are useful. One is not better than the other.
Both are:
They are different in one important way.
Literature reviews point you to the original (empirical) articles.
Let's say we're interested in prenatal health in women over the age of 40 in California. Which of these is the scholarly journal article and which is the popular article? What are the "tells"?
40-Plus News to Use. (1990). Prevention, 42(6), 16. https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=11531479&site=ehost-live
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