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NSED 150 (Griffen)

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Library Workshop Goals

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By the end of this session, you will be able to use library resources to conduct your research. Specifically, you will be able to:

  • find and identify peer-reviewed journal articles
  • use database functionality to conduct effective searches to locate relevant resources
  • differentiate between annotated bibliographies and literature reviews
  • get help in the Library

Session Pathfinder

Here is a brief pathfinder loosely outlining what we will go over today:

  • Peer-Reviewed Articles introduction (~7 min)
  • Introduction to research databases related to education (~25 min)
  • Strategies to help your search (~15 min)
  • Literature reviews (~10 min)
  • Other strategies / resources (~10 min)
  • APA (~10 min)
  • Independent research time