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NSED 150 (Griffen)


Peer-reviewed articles (sometimes called refereed articles, or scholarly articles) are written by experts for other experts. They are published in peer-reviewed journals, which are often only available if you are affiliated with a library or school.

Peer-reviewed articles:

  • are written by experts in a field
  • go through a formal review process before they are published
  • appear in peer-reviewed journals
  • can take several forms -- some peer-reviewed articles share the results of independent research, some summarize research in an area, etc.

Peer Review in 3 Minutes

North Carolina State University (NCSU) Libraries, 3:15

  1. What do peer reviewers do?  How are they similar to or different from editors?
  2. Who are the primary customers of scholarly journals?
  3. Do databases only include peer-reviewed articles?  How do you know?