FINDABLE: Metadata and data should be easy to find for both humans and computers.
ACCESSIBLE: Once the user finds the required data, s/he needs to know how can they be accessed.
INTEROPERABLE: Data usually need to be integrated with other data. And data need to interoperate with applications or workflows for analysis, storage, and processing.
REUSABLE: Metadata and data should be well-described so they can be replicated and/or combined in different settings.
What is Metadata?
Metadata is structured information that describes, explains, locates, or otherwise makes it easier to retrieve, use, or manage an information resource. Metadata is often called data about data or information about information.
This definition comes from the National Institute Standards Organization (NISO) publication Understanding Metadata
Metadata in Plain Language - USGS gives a good overview for creating metadata
Minimal metadata to keep with the data:
"The great thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from." -author unknown
Dublin Core - Defines fifteen basic metadata elements for resource discovery in a cross-disciplinary information environment, designed for interoperability. Learn more at about the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative.
Disciplinary Metadata - from the Digital Curation Centre in the UK
Arts -
Biological data - Darwin Core - examples
Ecological data - Ecological Metadata Language (EML)
Geospatial data - FGDC - Federal Geographic Data Committee
Humanities, Social Sciences and Linguistics - Text Encoding Inititiative (TEI)
Scientific data - Directory Interchange Format (DIF)
Social Sciences and Archiving -
What's in a Data Dictionary and more from USGS
Creating a Data Dictionary with template from USDA Ag Data Commons
Learning Data Analytics - LinkedIn Learning course includes Creating a Data Dictionary
Good list of metadata editors and tools from DataONE - includes editors for Geospatial and Ecological data as well as editors for more generic data.
Additional Metadata editors:
Geospatial Data -
Ecological data - Morpho - Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity
Bioldiversity data - Darwin Archive Spreadsheet Processor from Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) generates EML from a spreadsheet template
Scientific data - Directory Interchange Format (DIF)
Social Science and Archiving -
Humanities, Social Sciences and Linguistics - TEI Tools from Text Encoding Inititiative (TEI)
Arts -
Metadata cleanup -
You may need to use a crosswalk to convert your metadata to a different standard. Examples include:
FGDC to a variety of schemas - from NOAA
CDWA to VRA 4.0 to MODS to EAD - from The Getty