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History 08 (Martin): Search Strategies Review Activity

Sitting on a Man: African Gender

Search Strategies Review

This operator helps narrow your search results.
AND: 27 votes (77.14%)
OR: 8 votes (22.86%)
Total Votes: 35
This operator helps broaden your results.
AND: 15 votes (40.54%)
OR: 22 votes (59.46%)
Total Votes: 37
The use of these symbols help to limit results to specific phrases.
"Quotes": 26 votes (76.47%)
*Asterisk: 7 votes (20.59%)
(Parentheses): 1 votes (2.94%)
Total Votes: 34
The use of this symbol at the root of a word helps to find different word variations.
*Quotes": 3 votes (9.38%)
*Asterisk: 18 votes (56.25%)
(Parentheses): 11 votes (34.38%)
Total Votes: 32

Search String Review

Let's say you wanted to find articles about African feminism. Which would be the more appropriate search?
feminis* AND Africa*: 7 votes (21.88%)
feminism* AND Africa*: 25 votes (78.13%)
Total Votes: 32
Let's say you wanted to find articles about the role of gender in religion of Sub-Saharan Africa. Which would be the more appropriate search?
(gender OR women) AND religion AND "Sub-Saharan Africa": 18 votes (54.55%)
gender OR women AND religion AND "Sub-Saharan Africa": 15 votes (45.45%)
Total Votes: 33
Let's say you wanted to find articles related to women's movements in South Africa. Which would be the more appropriate search?
"women's movements" AND "South Africa": 32 votes (84.21%)
women's movements AND South Africa: 6 votes (15.79%)
Total Votes: 38