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Writing 119 (Mumford): RefWorks & Citing Sources


RefWorks logo

RefWorks is a citation management software tool available to UC Merced students, faculty and staff. RefWorks helps you ...

  • manage your research materials.
  • create bibliographies.
  • generate in-text citations. (Word, Google Docs)
  • annotate articles.
  • share references / documents with others.

See information on the new RefWorks interface.

See our calendar for upcoming RefWorks workshops.

Cite Functionality - Google Scholar

Look for the Cite hyperlink under citations in Google Scholar. This also provides the option of exporting to RefWorks.

Google Scholar export to RefWorks

Citing Sources

CSE - Council of Science Editors

Scientific Style and Format 8th ed. The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers

Council of Science Editors Documentation Style - Writing Center, University of Wisconsin - Madison

CSE Citation Quick Guide - Washington State University Libraries

CSE Citation Name is a numbered style.  Citations are ordered alphabetically in the References at the end of the paper and are numbered. In the body of the paper, citations are referred with a superscript number that connects to the citations found in the Reference List. If using RefWorks, we recommend using the Word or Google doc plug in.

CSE Citation Sequence is a numbered style.  Citations are ordered in the References in the order they are used in the paper.  If you use a resource more than once, you only assign it one number.  If using RefWorks, we recommend using the Word or Google doc plug-ins.

CSE Name-Year Sequence is NOT a numbered style.  Citations are included in text e.g. with last name(s) and year of publication.  Citations are included in the References alphabetically without any script numbering.  This style will work well with RefWorks QuickCite.  You can als use the Word or Google doc plug-ins from RefWorks.