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Engineering 156: Technical & Professional Writing for Science & Engineers

Zotero guidance for use with papers


Decorative: screenshot of Zoterobib page

ZoterBib is a Zotero tool that helps you make quick bibliographies. 

To use ZoteroBib:

  • Navigate to the ZoteroBib site
  • Enter the URL, ISBN, DOI, PMID, arXiv ID, or title of the work you wish to cite
  • Click "Cite"
  • You can then copy, edit, or delete the entry
  • To change the citation style, click the dropdown under "Bibliography" (in blue)

You can choose one of over 10,000 styles to use to cite.

Note: For materials found in databases, ZoteroBib works best if you use the URL at the top of the page, rather than the Permalink or shortened link (if available)