Start with our Chatbot. If it can't help, you'll have the option to be connected with a Librarian.
The University Library encourages undergraduate students to apply for the Carter Joseph Abrescy and Larry Kranich Library Award for Student Research Excellence. The Library will accept applications beginning November 1, 2024, with a deadline of February 7, 2025. The criteria for the Award are listed below.
The Carter Joseph Abrescy and Larry Kranich Library Award for Student Research Excellence was established in 2017 to recognize outstanding undergraduate research at UC Merced. The award recognizes students who demonstrate effective use of library and information resources, as well as an understanding of the research process and growth in research practices. A committee of faculty and librarians will review applications and select awardees. A total of $1,000 will be awarded each year. No more than two awards of $500 each will be awarded in a given year.
To view eligibility, submission requirements, and to submit your application, please visit the Library Award page.
If you have questions about the award, please email
This session will focus on Zotero, a citation management tool that will be helpful to use with your papers. Zotero can create references, let you keep an organized collection of references, and can even help you embed references directly into your paper.
By the end of this session, you will be able to:
There is a new version of Zotero, as of August 2024. Some of the images in this guide may be out-dated. Here is more information about the latest version (Zotero 7).
Zotero is a free, open source citation management tool. You can use it to collect, organize, and cite your research. It can also synchronize your data across devices.
ZoteroBib is a new Zotero tool that helps you make quick bibliographies.
Why Zotero?
Note: There is a Zotero Connector for Safari bundled with Zotero which can be enabled from the Extensions pane in the Safari settings. If you are unable to install an extension in your browser, you can save webpages or identifiers to your library using the magic want tool or a search in Zotero. Safari does not support extensions distributed directly.
On the left, you'll see a listing of folders contained in your Library. You can create new folders for different projects. This is called a Collection.
In the center is a list of articles and other materials you have added. These are Items.
On the right are details about the items in your collections. Author names and other tags you have created (e.g., read, to be read, etc) are here.
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