Use AND / OR to join search terminology.
- OR - joins similar terms / terms that get at the same issue BROADENS
- AND - joins dissimilar terms NARROWS
Examples: Using OR
- autism OR "autistic spectrum disorder"
- positive psychotherapy OR PPT
- teens OR adolescents OR "young adults"
- "academic performance" OR "academic success" OR "academic achievement"
- "social skills" OR "social competence"
Examples: Using AND
- leaders AND "social skills"
- perception AND competition AND performance
Examples using AND & OR
Sample Search A
treatment OR therapy
ADHD OR "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder"
Question: What strategy might we take if Sample A returns too many results? How could we modify this search?
Sample Search B
deceive OR deception OR lie
"body language"
"law enforcement" OR police
Question: What strategy might we take if Sample B does not return many results? How could we modify this search?