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1994 - present.Known as the Monthly Catalog (MOCAT), this is a top choice for finding government documents.
1895 - 1976. The comprehensive index to historical information published by the United States federal government. Describes over 1.2 million items.
1789 - present. Access to comprehensive collection of Congressional publications including: committee information; committee hearings; committee prints and miscellaneous congressional publications; committee reports; congressional records; congressional rules; House and Senate documents; Senate executive documents and reports, laws, and bills; legislative histories; campaign financial data; key votes and roll calls.
Provides access to the U.S. government's official web portal to all federal, state, and local government web resources and services.
Locate online versions of major U.S. government publications such as: the Congressional Record, bills, congressional publications of all kinds, the Federal Register, Code of Federal Regulations, Supreme Court decisions, and executive branch documents.
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