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NSED 150 (Sinha) 2024

Find a Known Item Article: 2 Strategies

Some Strategies

1.  Look for the article title in Google Scholar.  Search with the title. Use Get it at UC if PDF is not provided.

2.  Look for the article title in UC Library Search.  Look for the green Available Online link or request form. 

Examples:  Do we have these articles?

Citation #1

  • Elbow, Peter. Do we need a single standard of value for institutional assessment?  An essay response to Asao Inoue's "Community-Based Assessment Pedagogy."  Assessing Writing  Pgs 81-99   Published: 2006

Citation #2

  • Zoetewey, Meredith W, and Julie Staggers. "Beyond 'current-Traditional' Design: Assessing Rhetoric in New Media." Issues in Writing. 13.2 (2003): 133-57.

Find a Known Item Article: Incomplete Information