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Use Interlibrary Loan

Want materials (like books or articles) that the library doesn't have? Use Interlibrary Loan!

  1. Find the item using UC Library Search
  2. Sign in with your UCMnet ID
  3. Click on the Interlibrary Loan link in the “Get It” menu. Review the form and fill in any missing details. Submit it by clicking Send Request
  4. Your request is received by Library Staff
  5. Next, we request materials from another library
  6. You material is sent to UC Merced Library
  7. You receive an email telling you your material has arrived! Hooray!
  8. Retrieve your material at the Services Desk on the second floor or via the link in your email
  9. PDF Files are yours to keep. Books must be returned.

Contact the Interlibrary Services Staff at for further help

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