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WRI 100-02: Advanced Writing (Block - Misinformation)

Citing Articles in UC Library Search

An article citation might be available in UC Library Search.  This search tool includes basic citing capability.

  • Search for the article.
  • If found, click on the article title.
  • Click on Citation.
  • Click on the citation format needed. (APA, Chicago, Harvard, MLA, and Turabian are available.)
  • Copy and paste the citation.
  • Note: There is also a RefWorks export.

The OWL at Purdue

APA Formatting and Style Guide - OWL at Purdue

It's a good idea to check the accuracy of the citations one retrieves from UC Library Search and databases against the style guides available from the OWL -- Online Writing Lab -- at Purdue University. The APA Style Guide will also help you with in-line citing, book and book chapter citations, and citation formatting for other resources. Two particularly important formats are below, and linked here:

  • Article from an online periodical with DOI assigned
  • Article from an online periodical with no DOI assigned

These two formats will cover almost all citations found in UC Library Search and databases.

Library Workshop Recordings

From time to time, the Library offers workshops on citation formatting and bibliographic citation managers. Some of these workshops are recorded and available from the Library's website. Here's a list of workshop recordings: