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GIS Center: FAQs

Information and Resources Offered by the GIS Center at UC Merced.

Answers to Common ArcGIS User Questions

ArcGIS Pro Download Procedures

Need help transitioning from ArcMap?  Within a Pro project, under the Project tab, select Learning Resources.  There is a section on transitioning from ArcMap.

Open Access Lab with ArcGIS Pro:  SSM 152  See availability map.

Trouble Logging Into Pro? - if Pro doesn't open on sign-in, try "Sign In Using Browser":


Forgot password to Pro or Esri?  When signing in, click on UC Merced first:


         Then sign in using your UC Merced Single Sign-On credentials (via Duo).   

         If you are asked to enter a url, use:


Did you get an ArcGIS Pro Microsoft .NET Desktop Runtime (x64) error when downloading Pro?     

                      Solution:  Download link for Microsoft.NET   (required for ArcGIS Pro 3.0)

Do you need to run ArcGIS on a Mac?   

     Solution:  Install Parallels which can be purchased from OIT.

Can you save projects to One Drive?  YES!  Just be careful when you download Pro - make sure the software is not saved to your One Drive by mistake.

Are you leaving UC Merced and need to transfer your ArcGIS Online content to a private account or to another organization?

     To transfer content to a private account, use ArcGIS Assistant

            This is not a fool-proof operation, and some kinds of content may not copy over or you may experience link breakage. 

            Click on the User Guide link at the top right of the page for help.  (Please note the warnings!)

     To transfer content to another UC Merced organization member, please fill out this request form.

Where can you get free training?  As a member of the GIS Center ArcGIS Online organization you have access to loads of free training!

Instant Apps Bug - If the app is displaying the template example instead of your map, use this workaround:

  • Gather the appid for your Instant App. This can be located at the end of the URL when configuring the app, or from the settings page.
    • Once the appid has been obtained, you can go to the Instant Apps' item details page, and under settings, add the parameter "?appid=<YOUR APPS ITEM ID>".