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Writing 100 (Soltis)

A research guide for Prof Mary Soltis's WRI 100 course

Finding UC Merced Databases

A link to an A-Z list of the library's databases can be found in the library's main webpage:

On the next page, click "All Subjects" on the left (red arrow) to see which databases are most appropriate or useful for the subject or topic you're researching. The most popular databases are listed on the right (red rectangle).

Public health and health-related databases

Follow the instructions above to find databases listed under Medicine and Health Sciences that include full-text articles on aspects and topics in medicine, nursing, and public health.

The most popular databases in this area, and the ones most likely to get you the results you want, are found in the yellow box near the top called "Best Bets!"

If you can't find what you need in any of the medical databases, you could try searching the biology databases. Follow the same process -- All Subjects > Biology -- to find biology databases. And here's a link to a guide on searching PubMed, one of the more popular databases for searching for articles about medicine and public health: Searching in PubMed