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Sociology 15 (Mireles)

Sociological Research Methods

Example 1

Does Facebook usage impact the academic success of college students?

Which search is more effective?  Why do you think that is the case?

Sample Search #1

("college student*" OR "university student*") AND (GPA OR grades OR "academic achievement") AND "Facebook usage" OR "social networking"

Sample Search #2

("college student*" OR "university student*") AND( "educational achievement" OR "academic success" OR "academic achievement") AND Facebook AND (usage OR "time spent")

Example 2

Do college students access health care at different rates in college based on their socioeconomic status?

Which search is more effective?  Why do you think that is the case?

Sample Search #1:

"college students" and visit and ("health center" OR hospital OR doctor OR clinic)

Sample Search #2:

("health services" OR "medical visit*") AND student* AND college* AND (decision OR choice)

added SU "college students" as a way to narrow

* much of this seems to be about mental and psychological health services

Sample Search #3

("health services" OR "medical visit*") AND student* AND college* AND (decision OR choice) AND (income OR ses OR socioeconomic)

added SU "college students" as a way to narrow

Sample Search #4

help-seeking PRE/2 (health OR medical) AND student* AND college* AND (decision OR choice) AND (income OR ses OR socioeconomic)

Example 3

Do family expectations affect major selection and do these expectation different based on the student's gender?

Which search is more effective?  Why do you think that is the case?

Search Sample #1

"major choice" AND ("family influence" or parental influence") AND (gender OR male OR female OR son OR daughter)

Search Sample #2

(decision OR choice) AND major AND ("family influence" or parental influence")