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Plagiarism and Academic Integrity at UC Merced

An overview of academic integrity, plagiarism, and proper paraphrasing.

Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities

UCM Code of Student Conduct: Academic Honesty Policy

Academic integrity is the foundation of an academic community. Academic integrity applies to research as well as undergraduate and graduate coursework.

Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, altering graded examinations for additional credit, having another person take an examination for you, or facilitating academic dishonesty or as further specified in this policy or other campus regulations.

What happens if I'm accused of academic misconduct?

Resources for students on academic integrity can be found at this page: . There are links to additional resources in the menu on the left of the webpage.

The attached document is an outline of the process at the University of California (all campuses and levels) for reporting and dealing with academic misconduct. It details how students will be advised that a charge of academic dishonesty has been brought and how the matter will be resolved, along with possible penalties.