The valley of the San Joaquin is the floweriest piece of world I ever walked, one vast level, even flower-bed, a sheet of flowers, a smooth sea ruffled a little by the tree fringing of the river and here and there of smaller cross streams from the mountains. Florida is indeed a land of flowers, but for every flower creature that dwells in its most delightsome places more than a hundred are living here.
-- Letter to Jeanne Carr, July 1868
I found Simon Wheeler dozing comfortably by the bar-room stove of the old, dilapidated tavern in the ancient mining camp of Angel's, and I noticed that he was fat and bald-headed, and had an expression of winning gentleness and simplicity upon his tranquil countenance. He roused up and gave me good-day.
-- "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County," 1867
They drove through Tehachapi in the morning glow, and the sun came up behind them, and the -- suddenly they saw the great valley below them. Al jammed on the brake and stopped in the middle of the road, and "Jesus Christ! Look!" he said. The vinyards, the orchards, the great flat valley, green and beautiful, the trees set in rows, and the farm houses.
-- The Grapes of Wrath, 1939
Monday used to be
the day after Sunday
it meant washday to most women
on Persimmon Road
but seance to Ardelia Pitts
who always hung her dead husband up
with wooden pins
beside a yellow trousseau gown
and allowed the wind
to whip him with daffodil might
while she washed his shirts
and put away each week
until a man in overalls
who had no right
broke Ardelia's contract with the
great beyond
by installing a dryer
now we never see Mr. Pitts
and Ardelia moans
that he doesn't love her any longer.
-- "Clothes Dryer"
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