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Writing 10-10 and -31 (VanWagenen, Fall 2024)

URL for this guide


Hello Students,

  • Prior to your library research session, please complete the following activities and  tutorials below. 
  • During our in-person session, you will be navigating to the A-Z Databases list and also using Academic Search Complete.

library logo

Scholarly and Popular Sources


By completing this short activity and quiz, you will be able to:

  • recognize scholarly, trade, and popular articles.
  • understand the basics of peer review.

Let's get started.

A photo of a mug on a newspaper

Photo by Ashni on Unsplash

Click the Next button to continue.

Google spreadsheet

Prior to class, please go to the Google spreadsheet for your section, linked below:

WRI 10-31 (7:30 am) -

WRI 10-10 (11:30 am) -

Enter your name in Column A and your research question/topic in Column B. We will fill out the rest of the spreadsheet during class after we've talked about keywords, reviewed the databases, and worked with UC Library Search.