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Writing 101 (VanWagenen)

UC Merced Library


Welcome! My name is Elizabeth McMunn-Tetangco, and I will be hosting your class for library instruction on Feb 29.


Before we meet, please complete the following short tutorials:

There is a quiz at the end of each -- please make sure you have completed this before our session.

I'm excited to talk more about the library!


By the end of this class you will be able to:

  • find relevant research and popular articles using effective search strategies & database functionality.
  • access articles through Get it at UC and/or Interlibrary Loan.
  • locate ongoing assistance for your research needs.


1. Access Reminder

  • VPN
  • Get it at UC

2. Source Characteristics

  • Scholarly Sources (Empirical Articles, Review Articles)
  • Popular Sources

3. Searching for Scholarly Sources

  • Search Strategies
    • AND/OR connectors
    • phrase searching
    • truncation
  • Recommended Databases
    • Web of Science
    • PsycInfo

4. Searching for Popular Sources

  • Determining the differences between popular, research, and review articles

5. Time to Search

  • Exploring your own topics
  • Finding scholarly (empirical, literature review)
  • Finding popular source

8. Feedback & Wrap-Up

  • Research assistance
  • Debrief

Library Instructor

Profile Photo
Elizabeth McMunn-Tetangco
KL 275
Social: Twitter Page