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Locating and Using Subject Headings

A guide to subject headings and controlled vocabulary as used in UC Library Search and databases

What is a Thesaurus?

The thesaurus has many functions. It serves as a translator between disciplines. Often, people working in different fields use different language and terminology to describe the same thing (idea or concept). 

It provides a controlled vocabulary of subject headings that enables users to search the library. A controlled vocabulary is a set of standardized terms that are used to search a database. Using specific terminology in a consistent and controlled fashion results in better information searching and retrieval.

For Further Reading:

Anatomy of a Thesaurus Entry

Thesauri generally have five (5) parts:

  1. The "preferred" term - This is the main, official term in the "controlled vocabulary." In other words, the thesaurus editors have decided this is the best term for this database and this field. 
    • Often includes a "Scope Note" that gives an overview of what this term includes, similar to a definition.
  2. Broader terms - These are terms that are broader in scope than the preferred term. In a hierarchy, these terms would be above the preferred term to show that they encapsulate it.
  3. Narrower terms - These are terms that are narrower, or more specific in scope than the preferred term. In a hierarchy, they are below the preferred term because they might only encapsulate the meaning of part of the preferred term, but not the whole. They are not perfect synonyms.
  4. Related terms - Related terms are parallel to the preferred term in the hierarchy. They are closely related and might share some of the same broader or narrower terms.
  5. "Used for" - This is a list of terms that this thesaurus' editors did not deem as the best for this field or this database. 

Example of A Thesaurus Entry 

An example of a thesaurus entry for the term "Temporary Employment"