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Sociology 15 (Xiong): Access

Sociological Research Methods

Access Library Resources from Off Campus (VPN)

VPN software allows you to connect to the library's online articles and eBooks from off campus.

Decorative image: A globe with lines out to various technologies surrounding it, representing a network

Image credit: Design Services, UCI Libraries

Accessing Full-Text

When looking at articles in a database, full-text may be immediately available via a PDF or HTML page. If not, use the UCeLinks button. 

Here's an example of an article you would need to use UC-eLinks to get the full text:

Improving Underperforming Schools

If UC-eLinks doesn't give you any options to read the full-text online, you can Interlibrary Loan (ILL) the item using your UCMnetID. Here's an example of an article you would need to ILL:

Human Services Professionals' Awareness of Human Trafficking

VIDEO: Find Full-Text of Articles through "Get it at UC"

Discover how to use the Get It at UC button to access the full-text of articles or books whether immediately or through Interlibrary Loan (ILL).