honey bee / honeybee / western honey bee = "apis mellifera" / European honey bee
"bee diversity"
pollinators / "pollinator diversity" /
habitat / "habitat needs" / "habitat diversity" / "habitat enhancement" / "habitat modification"
"ecosystem services"
native / wild / feral
managed / domesticated
Identify your key concepts and related terms.
Locate Databases
Select appropriate search tools and/or sites.
Search Strategies
Construct a search. Start with keyword searching. Could be simple or using AND/Or (Boolean Operators). Join similar terms with OR. Join dissimilar terms with AND
Search for variations of a word using a truncation symbol (*) at the end of the terms.
Look for a phrase, using quotation marks " ".
Skim citation and abstract information to determine the usefulness of the source.
Revise search as needed. Too many or too few results? Is this a suitable search tool? Am I retrieving relevant results?
Leverage Database Functionality
Consider searching for certain terms in specific fields. e.g. Title field
Use options to Limit or Refine e.g. by Date or Document type (original research articles, review articles ...)
Find a highly relevant article and look for "Related Articles".
Leverage a Source
View bibliographies for references to other resources or organizations. Search for the known item or known organization.
Try searching a specific domain in Google with Search terms site:.gov (or .edu)
Already have a citation for a book or article? Try the following:
Search in UC Library Search, the library's catalog.
Search in Google Scholar, especially for article titles.
If a journal article, check to see if we have the journal for that year. Use e-Journals tab in QuickSearch.
Sample Citation: Dramstad, W., and G. Fry. 1995. Foraging activity of bumblebees (Bombus) in relation to flower resources on arable land. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 53:123–135.
Sample Citation: O’Toole, C., and A. Raw. 1999. Bees of the World. 192 pp. London: Blandford.
Sample Citation: Kremen, C., N. M. Williams, R. L. Bugg, J. P. Fay, and R. W. Thorp. 2004. The area requirements of an ecosystem service: Crop pollination by native bee communities in California. Ecology Letters 7:1109–1119.
How would we go about finding these?
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