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Public Health 111 - Social Epidemiology (Yen, Fall 2024)


Hello! I'm Olivia Olivares, Instruction & Outreach Librarian, and the Library liaison to the Public Health program. If you have any questions about library resources for Public Health, or questions about research, please feel free to contact me. My contact information is in the box on the left of this guide.

A photo of the exterior of the Kolligian Library Building in the spring, with cherry blossoms in bloom.

Class goals

By the end of this session, you should be able to:

  • Identify scholarly, peer-reviewed articles
  • Perform a "scan" of a scholarly, peer-reviewed article and decide if that article is worth your time (i.e., a close read)
  • Read a scholarly, peer-reviewed article with purpose
  • Find a scholarly, peer-reviewed article in Web of Science and other databases