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History 115 (Martin): Group Activity

Where Are the Women? Women in African Nationalism


Beyond world history, what are some related subjects / disciplines that might have useful databases for your coursework?


  • This activity will take no more than 15 minutes.
  • I will split you into 6 groups of 5 students.
  • Each group will need 2 computers or web-enabled devices.
  • Each group will need to assign:
    • a member to input the search into the assigned database
    • a member to type the results into Padlet
    • a member to report on your findings
  • As a group, explore each database's functionality and answer the questions listed on the sticky note. Some of where the answers are found will be similar to items I pointed out when demonstrating a quick search in Historical Abstracts.
  • If we run out of time to report out, I will ask just a few questions but know that you can come to the guide to compare/contrast the various groups' findings.

Group 1 : Humanities : JSTOR

Type or copy/paste the following search in JSTOR.

Africa* AND (women OR gender) AND nationalism


  1. How many results do you get overall?
  2. What are the two main types of source types you can restrict to?
  3. Can you limit specifically to peer-reviewed articles? Why might that be? (Hint: Read the database description.)
  4. How many results do you get if you restrict your results to journal articles from 2000-2019 in the African Studies and Feminist & Women's Studies categories?

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Group 3 : African Studies : Africa-Wide Information

Type or copy/paste the following search in Africa-Wide Information:

(women OR gender) AND nationalism


  1. The search string your group entered didn't include the word Africa or African. Why might I have set it up that way? (Hint: Read the database description.)
  2. How many results do you get overall?
  3. How many results do you get if you restrict your results to peer reviewed journal articles from 2000-2019?

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Group 5 : Women's Studies : Women's Studies International

Type or copy/paste the following search in Women's Studies International:

Africa* AND nationalism


  1. How many results do you get overall?
  2. Can you limit specifically to peer-reviewed articles?
  3. How many results do you get if you restrict your results to books from 2000-2019?

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Group 2 : Humanities : JSTOR

Type or copy/paste the following search in JSTOR.

"women's movement*" AND national* AND (Africa OR Nigeria)


  1. How many results do you get overall?
  2. What are the two main types of source types you can restrict to?
  3. Can you limit specifically to peer-reviewed articles? Why might that be? (Hint: Read the database description.)
  4. How many results do you get if you restrict your results to journal articles from 2000-2019 in the African Studies and Feminist & Women's Studies categories?

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Group 4 : African Studies : Africa-Wide Information

Type or copy/paste the following search in Africa-Wide Information:

"women's movement*" AND national* AND Nigeria


  1. The search string your group entered didn't include the word Africa or African. Why might I have set it up that way? (Hint: Read the database description.)
  2. How many results do you get overall?
  3. How many results do you get if you restrict your results to peer reviewed journal articles from 2000-2019?

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Group 6 : Women's Studies : Women's Studies International

Type or copy/paste the following search in Women's Studies International:

movement* AND national* AND (Africa OR Nigeria)


  1. How many results do you get overall?
  2. Can you limit specifically to peer-reviewed articles?
  3. How many results do you get if you restrict your results to books from 2000-2019?

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