EndNote is a tool that allows you to collect, organize, cite and share research. There are two versions: a free simplified web version and a paid more full-featured desktop client.
EndNote Online (also sometimes known as EndNote Basic) accounts are available free to UC Merced faculty, students, and staff. Register for an account from an on-campus computer or using UC Merced's campus VPN Once the account is created, you do not have to use the VPN or an on-campus computer)
The EndNote desktop software is available for purchase. It is similar to the online version, but with many more bells and whistles. UC Merced does not have a site license. There's an academic discount for students, but not faculty or staff.
This guide focuses on the web client since it's the version everyone has access to. We can help individually with either the desktop client or the online version.
NOTE: Unless you are collaborating with people already using EndNote, we encourage most people to try Zotero instead.