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Spark 01 - Sullivan

1) AND/OR (Boolean Logic)

Use AND / OR to join search terminology.

  • OR - joins similar terms / terms that get at the same issue - BROADENS
  • AND - joins dissimilar terms - NARROWS

Examples: Using OR

  1. "solar panel" OR "photovoltaic cell"
  2. hydropower OR "hydroelectric energy"
  3. "dry steam power station" OR "flash steam power station"
  4. "wind energy" OR "wind power" OR "wind turbine"

Examples: Using AND

  1. "geothermal energy" AND "storage"
  2. "hydroelectric power" AND generation AND turbine

Examples using AND & OR

Sample Search A

"solar panel" OR "photovoltaic cell"


"power generation"

Question: What strategy might we take if Sample A returns too many results?  How could we modify this search?