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Writing 10 Pre-Health (Ruiz)

APA Style

  • a common citation style
  • APA stands for American Psychological Association
  • often used in social and behavior sciences
  • includes parameters about the language, format of the whole paper
  • in-text citations and References page

Publication Manual

In-Text Practices

Key Characteristics

  • Author's last name (not needed if noted in text)
  • Date of publication
  • Page number if a direct quote; though encouraged even if paraphrased
  • items separated by commas
  • p. used for page; pp. used for multiple pages

In-Text Citations: The Basics (OWL Purdue)

In-Text Citations: Author/Authors (OWL Purdue)

Reference List: Basic Rules (OWL Purdue)

When and How to Include Page Numbers in APA Style Citations (APA Blog)

The Basics of APA Style