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Writing 10E (Lovas)

Finding eBooks


Use UC Library Search to search for books or for e-books by keyword, author, title and other criteria.


  • Enter search terms in UC Library Search and select the UC Merced Catalog profile at the right of the search box field. Click enter. 

  • To see only ebooks , click "Online Items" on the lefthand side under "Show" and select "Books" under Resource Type. 
  • Click on the name of a title that interests you
    • If the item is available online- click on the green Available Online link to find ebook locations. 
    • If the ebook is not held at UC Merced you will see a Check Availability link. Follow the prompts under Get It to make a loan request. 


You will need to be connected to the VPN and signed into your library account to access ebooks from off-campus and to see all results available to you. 

Finding eBooks (Video)

Accessing and Navigating Ebook Central (ProQuest) eBooks in UC Library Search (LibWizard Tutorial)