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Sociology 146 (Polonijo)

Social Determinants of Health

UC Merced Databases List

Health Sciences Databases

Sociology Databases

Multidisciplinary Databases

Guided Search


  1. Search the MeSH database to identify Medical Subject Headings for your main concepts.
    1. Access the MeSH database from the PubMed homepage (in the Explore section.)
  2. Perform a search using a combination of MeSH and keywords.
  3. Use the filters as appropriate to refine your results.
  4. Identify a relevant article and try to access the full-text.

Sociological Abstracts

  1. Search the Thesaurus to identify Subject Headings for your main concepts. 
    1. The Thesaurus is above the search bar. 
  2. Perform a search using a combination of Subject Headings and keywords.
  3. Use the filters as appropriate to refine your results.
  4. Identify a relevant article and try to access the full-text.