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GIS Center: Training

Information and Resources Offered by the GIS Center at UC Merced.

Esri Course Catalog Search -  Find free Esri courses related to your topic of interest.

Schedule a Workshop - Faculty or staff can request focused workshops.  

ArcGIS Online - Tutorials and Guides

ArcGIS Online (AGOL) - Resources - Home page for Esri AGOL tutorials      

Esri Apps Tutorials - Learn how to use the various apps available in AGOL

ArcGIS Pro - Tutorials and Guides

Getting Started with ArcGIS Pro - Understand the basics of ArcGIS Pro desktop software - touches on symbology, labeling, creating layouts, geoprocessing, etc.

ArcGIS Pro Essential Training - Very useful video tutorial by LinkedIn Learning - covers many topics

GIS Fundamentals (Esri Training) - Most courses are free.

Esri Course Catalog - All Esri tutorials.

Higher Ed Guide to Esri E-Learning for Modern GIS - Comprehensive list of tutorials for GIS, ArcGIS Online, and ArcGIS Pro.

Transitioning from ArcMap - From within the Pro application: In the Project Tab, select Learning Resources.

In-House Tutorials for Specific Tasks:    

     Join Tabular Data to a Shapefile  -  How to join data using ArcGIS Pro or AGOL.

     Georeference a Scanned Map in ArcGIS Pro (created before the GIS Center's name was changed from "SpARC")

     Create Tiled Raster for Upload to AGOL  -  Transform a georeferenced scanned map into a raster file for use online.

Other GIS Training

QGIS Software Training: Learn how to use QGIS, the most popular and widely-used free GIS software. - A fantastic resource for help with all things GIS!

OpenTopography YouTube home: Training on working with point cloud, raster, and vector data. Everything you need to know about GIS degrees and certificate programs in the US.