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Data Management Planning: Archiving & Publishing Your Data

Guidance and resources for research data management.

Data Identifiers

Assigning a permanent data identifier enables you and others to cite your data even if the location of your dataset moves.

EZID service (UC Curation Center) allows you to register and obtain a permanent identifier for your dataset, even before you've created or stored it in a location. Metadata can be updated as information about your data and/or the location of your data changes.

How to Cite Data (DataCite)

Publish a Data Paper

What is a Data Paper?

From OpenAIRE - a Data Paper is a scholarly journal that describes data sets or groups of datasets, through the so-called "extended metadata descriptions".

The data paper: a mechanism to incentivize data publishing in biodiversity science

Example ecological data paper: Ecological Archives E086-135.

Data Repositories

There are a number of options for where you can deposit your data for long-term archiving.

Dryad - An open-source, research data curation and publication platform. UC Merced Library is a proud partner of Dryad and offers Dryad as a free service for all UC Merced researchers to publish and archive their data. Datasets published in Dryad receive a citation and can be versioned at any time. Dryad is integrated with hundreds of journals and is an easy way to both publish data and comply with funder and publisher mandates. Check out published datasets or submit yours.

QDR - The Qualitative Research Data Repository curates, stores, preserves, publishes, and enables download of digital data generated through qualitative and multi-method research in the social sciences. QDR also provides guidance on managing, sharing, citing, and reusing qualitative data through resources provided on the site as well as through individualized consultations. While there is typically a deposit fee, UC Merced Library's institutional membership with QDR allows fees to be waived for up to 5 projects per year. Please contact curation at if you are interested.

Discipline-specific or multi-disciplinary data repositories.

Search/browse by subject area:

These include: