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Writing 10 (Contreras): Access

Accessing Full-Text

When looking at articles in a database, full-text may be immediately available via a PDF or HTML page. If not, use the UCeLinks button. 

Here's an example of an article you would need to use UC-eLinks to get the full text:

Improving Underperforming Schools

If UC-eLinks doesn't give you any options to read the full-text online, you can Interlibrary Loan (ILL) the item using your UCMnetID. Here's an example of an article you would need to ILL:

Human Services Professionals' Awareness of Human Trafficking

VIDEO: Find Full-Text of Articles through "Get it at UC"

Discover how to use the Get It at UC button to access the full-text of articles or books whether immediately or through Interlibrary Loan (ILL).

Access Library Resources from Off Campus (VPN)

VPN software allows you to connect to the library's online articles and eBooks from off campus.

Decorative image: A globe with lines out to various technologies surrounding it, representing a network

Image credit: Design Services, UCI Libraries