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Spanish 11 (PinedaVargas): Artículos académicos: Google Académico

Spanish for Heritage Speakers II

Google Académico


Change the default from finding results "in any language" to finding results written "only from pages in Spanish."

Consejos para usar Google Académico

  • Google Scholar allows you to search for scholarly articles, patents, legal documents, theses, and more.
  • Compare the Google vs. Google Scholar searches below.
    • Sample Google search for bobcats.
    • Sample Google Scholar search for bobcats.
  • When in Google Académico, you will want to search for your key concepts in Spanish but keep Boolean operators in English.
    • Example: (nutrición OR "hábitos alimentarios") AND estudiantes AND universidad

Ventajas y desventajas de Google Académico

LMU LIbrary (1:44)

Google Académico y la VPN

If you're connected to the VPN when searching in Google Scholar, you can gain access to articles available at UC Merced via UC-eLinks. You will first need to click on the double arrows (>>) under titles that may be of interest.