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Political Science 194 (Conrad)

Senior Honors Thesis Seminar

Why Cite?

  • What is the purpose of citation in academic work? Hint, there is more than one answer. 
  • What components are required to create a citation? 

APSA Style

The American Political Science Association (APSA) uses a variation of the Chicago Manual of Style citation system, concentrating on formats important to political science, with special attention given to U.S. government documents. 

APSA relies on an author-date system (as used in Chicago Style) and parenthetical references within text to direct readers to the reference list. 

zoterobib logo

Type in a URL, DOI etc. into ZoteroBib.  This tool works for multiple types of information sources.

Under Bibliography select the desired citation style e.g. APSA. Click on the Citation to make edits.