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Writing 001 (Pravin): Paraphrasing

Academic Writing


  • When you paraphrase, you are restating what an author has written in your own words.
  • Paraphrased information should always be cited, even if you are not quoting directly.
  • You should paraphrase:
    • to avoid extensive and lengthy quotations
    • to maintain your flow of writing
    • if you do not need the direct quote to make your point


Original Text from Facebook Tells Me So: Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior to Understand Partner Monitoring Behavior on Facebook by Millie J. Darvell et al:

“By design, Facebook facilitates surveillance as members can track the beliefs, actions, and interests of the larger group to which they belong, providing a medium where monitoring, investigation, and even stalking behavior are considered acceptable use of the network.”

 Paraphrased Version of Text:

To a certain degree, Facebook normalizes behavior that, in other venues, might seem out of place, including excessive interest in the personal lives of friends and acquaintances. Facebook’s design makes it possible to spend a lot of time following the actions and whereabouts of people who may or may not know each other well (Darvell).

Avoiding Patchwriting (Portland State University)

This video from Portland State University explains what paraphrasing is -- and how to do it correctly by avoiding patchwriting and other pitfalls. (~6 minutes)

Patchwriting: A Form of Plagiarism (Minnesota State University Mankato)

Learn how to spot patchwriting -- and how to avoid it. (~1 min)